Frequently Asked Questions
When are The MomCo Meetups?
The MomCo Frisco meets on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of every month, from 9:30am to 12pm.
MomCo 2.0 Frisco meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of every month, from 9:30am to 12pm.
Both groups follow the Frisco ISD calendar (September–May). Childcare is provided from 9:15am–12:15pm.
Where do you meet?
Meetups are held at Frisco First Baptist Church, in the Worship Center (7901 Main St., Frisco, TX 75034)
What goes on at a MomCo Meetup?
The MomCo meetings alternate between guest speakers and crafts. We provide a wide variety of speakers relevant to our interests as mothers of preschoolers. Crafts are a great way to get creative and enjoy fellowship. Each meetup includes time for brunch, table discussion and prayer. There are also occasional meetups in which childcare is extended and we go out to lunch!
MomCo 2.0 is designed to meet the unique needs of a mom whose children are entering the school years. As this stage of motherhood faces special challenges, meetings focus on providing expert speakers and building relationships through small group discussion.
Are there events outside the regular meeting schedule?
Yes! Each table (small group of moms that sit together at meetups) will coordinate play-dates or Mom’s Night Out for their members on a regular basis. The MomCo may also schedule large group play dates and events throughout the year to encourage friendship and fellowship. In addition, The MomCo may also provide webinar events or evening speakers.
What do my membership dues include?
General membership dues cover the cost of all meeting activities. Each mom is registered for membership with The MomCo where she will receive all the benefits of membership including a 1 year subscription to Hello Darling Magazine and a welcome packet with free gifts! The remainder of membership fees is used to obtain speakers, supplies, and pay our administrative costs. While some meetings are catered at no charge, we do ask members to volunteer to bring food items a few times each year to be served during meetings. Each member requiring childcare will pay a $20 KidsCo supply fee per child per season (Fall and Spring) For more information, visit the Membership page.
What if I don't need childcare during the meetups?
Not all MomCo mothers have their children enrolled in KidsCo. It is not a requirement to have your children enrolled; however, membership fees remain the same regardless of the number of children enrolled.
How do I join?
Visit the Membership page and follow the registration link; registration is online only. For questions about registration, please e-mail
Is participation in fundraisers required?
No. There is no requirement for either participation in fundraisers or service projects to join or maintain your membership in The MomCo or MomCo 2.0. While we do provide opportunities for service, our main goal as a group is encouragement, fellowship, and friendship!
I’m new to the area and don’t know anyone. How will The MomCo benefit me?
Welcome to Frisco! Joining one of our programs is a great way to get adjusted to your new home and meet new people. It provides a welcoming and fun environment to meet other moms with children the same age as your own. When you join The MomCo you will be assigned to a table of 8-10 moms. This will introduce you to a small group of moms whom you will get to know throughout the year. Your child will also benefit from the Christian based curriculum of our KidsCo program while getting some fun time to play with other children and giving mommy some necessary adult time!
What if I can't meet on Wednesday mornings?
Click here to search the national MomCo directory to find other local MomCo groups. While we'd love to have you, we want you to find a group that meets at a time that suits your schedule. Getting connected with other Moms is a big part of helping you deal with the wonderful yet sometimes trying years of mothering!
Any other questions?
Please reach out to!
469-200-7773 |
7901 Main Street | Frisco, TX 75034
©2024 by Frisco First Baptist Church