Wednesday Nights!
Adults & Students @6:30pm | Kids @6:15pm
Leadership Lessons from Prison
Adult Bible Study: Ephesians
Starts August 21st
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Admin Building, 305
ALL ADULTS are invited to kick off the fall with a study through the Book of Ephesians, “Leadership Lessons From Jail.” The book of Ephesians has many lessons to teach us on leadership whether it’s specifically for LIFEGroup or your home or business. Join David Fuquay as he walks through this seven-week series that connects the letter that Paul wrote from jail to leading people.
Men's 'Better Man' Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Admin Building, 307
The 'Better Man' Bible Study 11 Week is a series of group studies consisting of weekly video teachings and group discussions that provide a clear definition of biblical masculinity and practical ways to make your marriage, parenting, work-life, relationship with God — everything — better.
Women's Bible Studies
The Book of Mark (Wednesday Night)
The Book of Mark (Friday Morning)
Timothy & Titus (Wednesday Night)
The Book of James (Wednesday Morning)
There are four Bible studies for women to choose from this fall! As always, there will be studies offered Wednesday morning & evening, and Friday morning. Childcare availability varies. Use the links above to register; see descriptions below: The Book of Mark Starts Wednesday, August 21st 6:30–7:45pm in the Worship Center Mark's Gospel is a simple yet vivid account of Jesus' ministry, emphasizing more what Jesus did than what he said. Bring your Bible! This study will be led by Christy Williams; childcare available. 1st & 2nd Timothy & Titus Study Starts Wednesday, August 21st 6:30–7:45pm in the Adult Building, 502 Join us for a study of “the way to live and lead for Christ” as we read through Paul’s letters to Timothy & Titus, presented by Dr. David Jeremiah. Participants are responsible for purchasing their own book. This study will be led by Jaci Jackson; childcare available. The Book of Mark Starts Friday, August 23rd Morning 10am–12pm in Room 400 Mark's Gospel is a simple yet vivid account of Jesus' ministry, emphasizing more what Jesus did than what he said. Bring your Bible! This study will be led by Christy Williams; childcare available. The Book of James Starts Wednesday, August 28th Morning 9:30–11:30am in the Little Big Room Go verse by verse through The Book of James as presented by Francis Chan. Bring your Bible! This study will be led by Jamie Sewell; no childcare.
Financial Peace University
Starting Wednesday, August 21st
Adult Building, Room 506
According to a study by the Ramsey Solutions research team, 40% of Americans say their financial situation has caused them to lose sleep in the past month. If that's you, it's time to make a change. Take the first step and take control of your finances by signing up for Financial Peace University. Cost is $79, Includes book and Ramsey Solutions Membership. Facilitated by Ben Biggs and Aaron Corcoran
Re-Engage Marriage Class
Starting Wednesday, August 21st
6:30–8pm in the Seven One
Join us each Wednesday night, 6:30 to 8pm, beginning August 21st and going through November 20th for a practical study to improve your marriage relationship with key skills in communication. Please note that you and your spouse must register individually. ReEngage will meet in the Seven One.
Learn To Speak English!
Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm
Would you or someone you know benefit from better English skills? We welcome everyone interested to attend our free ESOL classes on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. We have a diverse group, great teachers, and offer three levels of learning: beginning, intermediate and advanced. Registration is free, but there is a small charge for books. More information coming soon! E-mail questions to
Student Small Groups Study
Starts Wednesday, January 10th
6:30pm in the Student Building
6th-12th graders meet for small group Bible study on Wednesday nights during the school year starting January 10th.
Kids On Mission (K-5th)
Wednesday Nights at 6:15pm
Kids On Mission resumes on August 21st with the theme, Loved So Much! K-5th Grade students will share God’s love and learn by doing in multiple ways. This year there is a $15 cost; we're asking everyone to register. Use code KOMGUEST if you are registering an ESOL student or GUEST for a discount . If you have questions, please e-mail
Preschool Cubbies
Wednesdays at 6:15pm
The Cubbies program teaches Bible basics and scripture memorization through music, puppet shows and games. Cubbies is open to potty trained 3 & 4 year olds. . Cost is $45/child for the year; classes end in May.
LIFEGroups @Home
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
LIFEGroups@Home meet on Wednesday nights so that group members can utilize Wednesday night programming for their kids. Whether you're looking for a more casual environment, a new way to balance your Sunday morning schedule or just want to give it a try, we'd love you to join us! Use the form to sign-up and we'll contact you with location information.