Men's Bible Study
Tuesdays (No Summer Break)
8–9:30pm at the Student House
This men’s study is ongoing, without breaking for summer. Bible study topics will vary, but the fellowship is always great. No registration required. Check the events page for details, or e-mail with questions.
Men's Breakfast
Saturday, November 9th
8–10am in the Big Room
Men, join us for breakfast on Saturday, November 9th in the Big Room. All men are invited; bring guests (18+).
Service Opportunities
Frisco First offers many opportunities of service unique to men. You can lead a middle or high school boys small group Bible study, help with Wednesday Night Kids on Mission (Boys RA), or volunteer as an UPWARD coach! Additionally, Frisco First regularly designates men to serve as Deacons. If you're interested in learning more about these and many other opportunities, reach out to us at
Special Events
Throughout the year Frisco First men can look forward to special events like Top Golf, BBQs, axe throwing, even a Daddy/Daughter Tea Party! Watch the events page and your weekly bulletin for upcoming announcements.