Join us Thursday Nights
from 7–9pm!
Dinner at 6pm
FREE Childcare for all ages (6:30pm)
Live Band | Large Group | Share Groups | Fellowship
See Map Information Below...

from 9:30am–4:00pm
Check-in begins at 8:45am
Saturday, April 5th
Join us at Frisco First Baptist Church
7901 Main Street | Frisco, Texas 75034

Attendance is FREE!
FREE Continental Breakfast
[Served from 8:45-9:30am]
HEB Box Lunch $15*
*All lunch orders are taken prior to event and money collected at registration. Choose your sandwich when you register; all boxes include pasta salad, roasted red pepper hummus & pita chips.

What is Celebrate Recovery?
Celebrate Recovery takes a biblical approach to eliminating ‘hurts, habits, and hang-ups’; utilizing eight principles based on the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5).

To our brave men and women serving in the military, this is a safe place for you; even heroes struggle with deep hurts, hang-ups, and habits.

Step Study Groups
A Step Study is a small, short-term gathering of CR members seeking to develop a deeper understanding of the steps to recovery. If you're interested, ask a CR leader for more info.

Women's F.I.G. Group
Sundays from 5:00–6:00pm
Admin Building, Room 303
Questions? E-mail Amy at texasgills@hotmail.com
A Christ-centered 12 Step program for women dealing with food issues through support and accountability.
Contact the Celebrate Recovery Team
Men's Contact
Women's Contact
Other Groups Near You...
Life Central (Plano)
Sunday at 6:00 pm
Cottonwood Creek Baptist (Allen)
Room A234
Monday at 7:00 pm
Willow Bend Church (Plano)
Monday at 7:00 pm
Custer Road United Methodist (Plano)
Tuesday at 7:00 pm
The Branch at Vista Ridge (Carrollton)
Tuesday at 7:00 pm
Garden Ridge (Lewisville)
Friday at 7:00 pm
For more, visit